Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Bout with Doubt?

In the Jesus the One and Only study that I did today, Beth Moore poses the question, "Has God ever taken you through your doubts to a place of greater faith?"  I think that we can all answer yes to that...

For me, it was when I watched a friend of mine cope with the death of her 60 day old baby girl and then watch her do the same thing when their second child, a baby boy, was born with the same undiagnosable disorder that their first baby was born with.  I believed that God wouldn't allow such a geniune and devoted Christian couple to go through such a painful ordeal twice, but He allowed it.

I remember asking my friend what she was really feeling and thinking, for her to be honest with me.  She said, "There are a lot of women who will never feel a baby inside of them, but God allowed me to feel that twice.  God is sovereign...Job 1:21, '...the LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.' (ESV)"  It was the best response...I admire her so much and I can only pray that would be my response to such a situation. 

Job 2:10, "...Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?" (ESV)  Both verses equally sombering and equally display the definitation of His Sovereignty.

1 comment:

  1. You are SO holding this to the blog....this is your conscience speaking....we all can learn so much from you!
